
  • Summer News

    Dear Friends,    I hope your Summer is off to a shining start, and that you have lots of lovely things planned. This will be a quick...
  • May Newsletter

    Dear Friends,  I hope this newsletter finds you in good health, and wherever you are, I hope you are enjoying the blooming flowers. This is a very ...
  • Power of Music - wellbeing report and plan in the UK

    Hello Friends, I thought some of you may be interested in reading the newly published report on the Power of Music wellbeing report compiled by UK ...
  • April Newsletter

    Dear Friends,  I hope this newsletter finds you all well, and hope that you are enjoying some sweet sunshine wherever you may be!I've just returned...
  • March Newsletter

    Dear Friends,  It's been magical to walk about the Glastonbury Abbey and watch the snowdrops, crocuses and daffodils dawn the beginning of Sprin...
  • February Newsletter

       Dear Friends,  Happy Chinese New Year of the Wood Dragon, Happy Shrove Tuesday, and an early Happy Valentines!Yesterday was a lovely sunny day...
  • January Newsletter

    Dear Friends,   I hope your 2024 is off to a positive start, with time to reflect on the year just passed, and enough good intentions and open...
  • Christmas Reflections

    Artwork by Sliman Mansour Dear Friends, Wishing you and your loved ones a very happy Christmas!   Every year I try my best to put the Christ ...
  • Winter's Cloak

    Winter's Cloak This year I do not wantthe dark to leave me.I need its wrapof silent stillness,its cloakof long lasting embrace.Too much lighthas p...
  • November/ December Newsletter

      Dear Friends,  Can you believe we are already halfway through December? Time is going by so fast, it feels like we are already a few months into...
  • Conscientious Objection: My Grandfather's Letter to the Tribunal

      Armistice Day, Remembrance Day, also happens to be the same day as my Grandfather’s birthday. He was born on 11th November 1909. His father was ...
  • October Newsletter

      “We suffer from an incurable malady: Hope.” ~ Mahmoud Darwish (Palestinian Poet)   Dear Friends, I hope you are staying well in these intense ti...