February Newsletter


Dear Friends, 

Happy Chinese New Year of the Wood Dragon, Happy Shrove Tuesday, and an early Happy Valentines!

Yesterday was a lovely sunny day here in Somerset, and during a walk through the abbey, I spotted the first signs of Spring. It's beautiful to see the world waking back up from slumber. 

I am happy to share that next Thursday I will be sharing my first live sound healing event in Glastonbury, and I'll be joined by my friend Tim on the crystal bowls. It promises to be a cosy and hopefully quite a cosmic journey through sound & silence. There will be optional cacao from the Philippines too for increased heart-opening effects. 

This month I have opened up some hours to share 1:1 voice lessons (in person in Glastonbury, or online via Zoom). If you are interested in vocal coaching or know anyone else who may be, please do get in touch, or feel free to share the link below:


Last week I returned from nearly two weeks in Paris, sharing music for a 3 day retreat and then the following weekend at a 3 day celebration for the Urs of Hazrat Inayat Khan. It was a joyful celebration and I feel very grateful to share music for a beautiful gathering of souls in celebration of one of my greatest inspirations.

“Some day music will be the means of expressing universal religion. Time is wanted for this, but there will come a day when music and its philosophy will become the religion of humanity.”

― Hazrat Inayat Khan, The Mysticism of Sound and Music

As it is Valentine's Day tomorrow, let me use this as an excuse to share some music about Love! I think one of my most romantic songs is Ancient Love. It's a song inspired by the moon and the ancient love of the divine that I believe we can taste through all our experiences of love (whether divine, romantic or platonic). Maybe some of you are feeling lonely at this time. These words You Are Never Alone came to me as a great comfort in the early hours when I moved to Morocco, a reminder of God's unending Love for us all. 

Thank you for your support as always.

With love,


1 comment

  • loved it 🥰🙏💕🧿


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